Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game

Elements the Game => Cards => Life => Topic started by: Ohmega on January 11, 2010, 09:13:23 pm

Title: Empathic Bond | Feral Bond
Post by: Ohmega on January 11, 2010, 09:13:23 pm

Elements Wiki Featured Article: Empathic Bond | Feral Bond (http://elementscommunity.org/wiki/Empathic_Bond)
Empathic Bond
Feral Bond
5 :life
4 :life
Every creature in your
possession heals you for
1 HP at the end of every turn
Every creature in your
possession heals you for
1 HP at the end of every turn
59 / 41
1559 / 1160
Title: Re: Empathic Bond / Feral Bond
Post by: Kamietsu on January 12, 2010, 03:56:58 am
The main and mass healing for basically every rainbow deck that can't afford or get shards.
Title: Re: Empathic Bond / Feral Bond
Post by: Glitch on January 30, 2010, 01:57:52 am
They need to make similar cards of this in other colors.
Title: Re: Empathic Bond / Feral Bond
Post by: Ohmega on January 30, 2010, 07:05:48 am
Why? TO have every Elemnt have the same cards? Healing is the bigest power of life and should keep life.
Title: Re: Empathic Bond / Feral Bond
Post by: Glitch on January 31, 2010, 11:05:00 pm
Right, but you get double the coin for finishing the gave with full life.  There's no healing except for emphatic bond, and the effect vampire.  Sure, you can get some minor heals in light, and you can get miracle, but the vast majority of elements just have to take the damage they receive.

Sure healing is a part of life, but in a game with 12 elements, there needs to be some redundancy just to have variety.
Title: Re: Empathic Bond / Feral Bond
Post by: xdude on February 01, 2010, 10:53:29 am
I agree with Ohmega here. And if variety isn't elements having different cards, than what is variety? What kind of variety is it if all elements have the same cards?
Title: Re: Empathic Bond / Feral Bond
Post by: YoYoBro on February 01, 2010, 03:11:10 pm
This card is best used in combination with swarm decks (FFQ, skeles, afla).
Title: Re: Empathic Bond / Feral Bond
Post by: Glitch on February 01, 2010, 09:48:31 pm
I agree with Ohmega here. And if variety isn't elements having different cards, than what is variety? What kind of variety is it if all elements have the same cards?
What kind of variety is every single heal deck relying on one heal spell?  I suggest something like... oh I dunno... maybe this permanent?

Aqua Vitae
 :water 3
At the end of your turn, you gain one life for each water pillar you control.

That way, healing doesn't require green, doesn't require spam creatures, and you can add healing to a water/fire scorch deck, a water/death poison deck, or a water/time creature control deck.   I argue that's MORE variety, not less.
Title: Re: Empathic Bond / Feral Bond
Post by: xdude on February 02, 2010, 08:21:36 am
Healing ISN"T only for green. You obviously don't know the cards if you state this.
Gravity has black hole.
Earth has stone skin.
Light has miracle and holy light.
Darkness has vampire dagger, vampire and drain life.
Let's not forget about shard of divinity and shard of gratitude.
So claiming that only life has healing is plain stupid.
Title: Re: Empathic Bond / Feral Bond
Post by: Ohmega on February 02, 2010, 08:56:23 am
But Life has the most healing cards and without bonds Life would be weaker. All other colors only have one or no healing cards, but Life has two.
And in my opinion there are no more healing cards needed. There are enough.

Title: Re: Empathic Bond / Feral Bond
Post by: xdude on February 02, 2010, 09:01:57 am
I didn't say life wasn't the element with most heals available, I said it's not the only one with heals. After all, it's only normal for life to be the element with most healing options!
Title: Re: Empathic Bond / Feral Bond
Post by: Ohmega on February 02, 2010, 09:12:29 am
I know you didn't say it. I only said that is has th most healing abillities.
Title: Re: Empathic Bond / Feral Bond
Post by: Glitch on February 02, 2010, 05:28:26 pm
Healing ISN"T only for green. You obviously don't know the cards if you state this.
Gravity has black hole.
Earth has stone skin.
Light has miracle and holy light.
Darkness has vampire dagger, vampire and drain life.
Let's not forget about shard of divinity and shard of gratitude.
So claiming that only life has healing is plain stupid.
Stone skin isn't really healing, as you cannot use it to master someone.
Miracle I mentioned, but it's a rare, and holy light barely does anything.
Black hole can only heal you for a total of 36 life, on the off chance the opponent actually has 3 mana of each element.
I also mentioned dark having healing, but all of those pail in comparison to Emphatic bond.
Title: Re: Empathic Bond / Feral Bond
Post by: xdude on February 02, 2010, 05:38:40 pm
I agree, but if you take healing away from LIFE, it will be an even worst element than it is now! Each single element has it's thing (time-drawing, aether-immortality etc.) and this is variety, not all elements having different versions of the same card.
Title: Re: Empathic Bond / Feral Bond
Post by: Glitch on February 02, 2010, 08:12:47 pm
I didn't say take healing away from life, and sure, life can have the best healing, but there are some things all elements need to have.  Like purify.  That card needs to be in other elements too, in a weaker or more costly form.
Title: Re: Empathic Bond / Feral Bond
Post by: Ohmega on February 02, 2010, 08:29:19 pm
upgrade purify and it costs one random quantum, but purify is nearly useless if you are not fightin a poison deck.
Title: Re: Empathic Bond / Feral Bond
Post by: Glitch on February 02, 2010, 09:09:29 pm
I did not know that...

I'll be sure to remember.  Thanks!
Title: Re: Empathic Bond / Feral Bond
Post by: teffy on February 07, 2010, 10:02:07 pm
Poor Druidic Staff
Everybody forgot it.
Title: Re: Empathic Bond / Feral Bond
Post by: Zigabogado on March 13, 2010, 07:18:09 pm
I agree with Ohmega Completely... Life, is the healing element.
"HAY! Lets give this Element healing too! This one too! And this one! Yay!"
Take away Life, and you.. well.. take away its element!

EDIT:  :life
Title: Re: Empathic Bond / Feral Bond
Post by: redpyro1 on March 18, 2010, 11:47:43 am
i use feral bonds in my rainbow deck now but is it better to use shards of gratitude??
Title: Re: Empathic Bond / Feral Bond
Post by: Cynxos on March 19, 2010, 02:05:55 pm
According to the trainer, the play cost will increase by 1 quantum in 1.21.
Allot of cards have been changing lately.
Title: Re: Empathic Bond / Feral Bond
Post by: coinich on March 19, 2010, 05:16:33 pm
Shame; all the cards I like have been getting nerfed... :(
Title: Re: Empathic Bond / Feral Bond
Post by: ddviper001 on March 23, 2010, 04:08:14 am
According to the trainer, the play cost will increase by 1 quantum in 1.21.
Allot of cards have been changing lately.
Yes but most of the changes i would say have been for the better I used to play when the game was not very balanced. Now it is one of the most balanced game out there.
Title: Re: Empathic Bond / Feral Bond
Post by: Kurohami on March 25, 2010, 10:28:35 pm
Empathic bond is nerfed too? That's sad, I think it cost enough already.
Title: Re: Empathic Bond / Feral Bond
Post by: BurnOne on April 10, 2010, 03:35:53 pm
But Life has the most healing cards and without bonds Life would be weaker. All other colors only have one or no healing cards, but Life has two.
And in my opinion there are no more healing cards needed. There are enough.

plus weapon :)
Title: Re: Empathic Bond / Feral Bond
Post by: lurchdaddy on April 10, 2010, 06:45:28 pm
I kind of agree with Gl1tch... I think it's a little suckish that you get bonuses for finishing with 100% health, but in order to do that, you're pretty much stuck using life (at least to some extent).  I dun wanna use life, so the mastery bonus is a near-impossibility for me.

It's no big deal though.  Longer grinding = more games = more fun.
Title: Re: Empathic Bond / Feral Bond
Post by: Delreich on April 10, 2010, 09:29:42 pm
You can use antimatter as well, and miracle + holy flash, and black hole.
Anyway, EM isn't that big a deal, it's only a little bit extra coins, usually not worth taking extra time for.
The biggest benefit of the bonds is that they help you survive. If you're using them just to get EM you'd probably be better off without them.
Title: Re: Empathic Bond / Feral Bond
Post by: JETZAL on April 11, 2010, 10:55:18 pm
good card can make thing interesting
Title: Empathic Bond
Post by: Essence on December 17, 2010, 06:36:55 am
Cost is reduced to 5 :life / 4 :life.

Title: Re: Empathic Bond
Post by: willng3 on December 17, 2010, 06:40:59 am
It should also be mentioned that this card now heals the player at the end of the turn rather than giving +1 HP after each individual creature attacks.
Title: Re: Empathic Bond
Post by: geekz_always_win on December 17, 2010, 06:44:07 am
It should also be mentioned that this card now heals the player at the end of the turn rather than giving +1 HP after each individual creature attacks.
This is to stop the vampire/adrenaline bug right?

So if I have 7 creatures and 2 bonds, at the end of my turn, it'll just flash +14?
Title: Re: Empathic Bond
Post by: EvaRia on December 17, 2010, 06:45:49 am
That's correct.

Also, if your creatures die from infection or fire shield before the permanent activates, it will not heal you, which is part of the reason for the lowered cost.
Title: Re: Empathic Bond
Post by: smuglapse on December 17, 2010, 08:19:52 am
So if I have 7 creatures and 2 bonds, at the end of my turn, it'll just flash +14?
Actually, I think it would flash +7 twice.  And depending on when you fielded them, one or more could take affect after your weapon strikes.
Title: Re: Empathic Bond
Post by: Higurashi on December 17, 2010, 12:44:13 pm
Also, if your creatures die from infection or fire shield before the permanent activates, it will not heal you, which is part of the reason for the lowered cost.
This is a rather unpleasant nerf. The cost decrease sorta makes up for it, I guess. Maybe.
Title: Re: Empathic Bond
Post by: Glitch on December 17, 2010, 02:17:38 pm

The dark days are over!
Title: Re: Empathic Bond
Post by: Kuroaitou on December 17, 2010, 02:23:13 pm

The dark days are over!
Clearly. :P

This change is greatly offset by the whole 'vampire-adrenaline' fix though - Emphatic Bond now heals after all the creatures attack, meaning it can be a glorified or horribly weakened Shard of Gratitude. The cost reduction is nice, but Life needs to have some other new cards to bring it up to speed with the other elements, considering the new changes that have been brought up. >_>
Title: Re: Empathic Bond
Post by: jmdt on December 17, 2010, 03:16:41 pm
Quite frankly until life gets 1 or 2 forms of mono creature spam (i.e. ffq or graveyard) this card will never be used all to much.  Bond's biggest issue is it takes a duo to build a deck around and even then the cards needed are slow.  Life's healing in a mono life deck should be better than a SoG if not we need new options or a(nother) bond buff
Title: Re: Empathic Bond
Post by: Higurashi on December 17, 2010, 03:22:37 pm
Assuming you mean nerf, and I agree. But I've also heard rumours of an upcoming Life spam card, so hopefully that'll come true. :>
Title: Re: Empathic Bond
Post by: Glitch on December 17, 2010, 03:54:55 pm
Assuming you mean nerf, and I agree. But I've also heard rumours of an upcoming Life spam card, so hopefully that'll come true. :>

I can haz bunny?!
Title: Re: Empathic Bond
Post by: jmdt on December 17, 2010, 03:57:18 pm
Assuming you mean nerf, and I agree. But I've also heard rumours of an upcoming Life spam card, so hopefully that'll come true. :>

I can haz bunny?!
You can, you can haz bunny :)  I'll take an alpha wolf with that bunny as well.
Title: Re: Empathic Bond
Post by: Kamietsu on December 17, 2010, 06:19:36 pm
No way, My Yggdrasil is perfect spammer for life :P

Also, which the coding change for EB, and the new buffs to white nymphs, i might just remove three cards from my deck (2 EBs and Miracle) in exchange for an improved heal and my light nymph :D
Title: Re: Empathic Bond
Post by: Higurashi on December 17, 2010, 06:23:04 pm
The girly man speaks the truth: Yggdrasil is a really cool card. Won't be what we get, of course, but s'all good as long as we get something viable. ^_^
Title: Re: Empathic Bond
Post by: Kuroaitou on December 19, 2010, 10:41:14 am
Just realized I should probably update the Wiki article to reflect the new changes on how Bond works AFTER the creatures attack. :\
Title: Re: Empathic Bond
Post by: rowcla on December 19, 2010, 02:27:11 pm
It should also be mentioned that this card now heals the player at the end of the turn rather than giving +1 HP after each individual creature attacks.
This is to stop the vampire/adrenaline bug right?

So if I have 7 creatures and 2 bonds, at the end of my turn, it'll just flash +14?
ah i thought it was to stop people from using miracle and getting a perfect win so easily
Title: Re: Empathic Bond
Post by: Marvaddin on December 19, 2010, 09:27:38 pm
Cmon, no need to nerf the card. I understand this comes to correct some minor bugs, but then why not just heal before the attack, and keep the old cost?
Title: Re: Empathic Bond
Post by: lokiburn4 on December 21, 2010, 09:30:34 am
I haven't used this card, since the SG FG deck days... and I still won't. using it to get an EM seemed the whole point of the thing. now what good is it?
Title: Re: Empathic Bond
Post by: Taffer on December 21, 2010, 11:11:32 am
It should also be mentioned that this card now heals the player at the end of the turn rather than giving +1 HP after each individual creature attacks.
Ow, my main EM source is now broken  :(
Title: Re: Empathic Bond
Post by: Tea is good on December 21, 2010, 12:02:40 pm
I always put ferals over sogs because of EMs....
Title: Re: Empathic Bond
Post by: rowcla on December 22, 2010, 04:27:43 am
I haven't used this card, since the SG FG deck days... and I still won't. using it to get an EM seemed the whole point of the thing. now what good is it?
its useful in decks which get loads of creatures out.

i get 20 odd hp per turn with each empathetic bond with my ffq deck all the time
Title: Re: Empathic Bond
Post by: ratcharmer on December 23, 2010, 03:30:27 am
I haven't used this card, since the SG FG deck days... and I still won't. using it to get an EM seemed the whole point of the thing. now what good is it?
its useful in decks which get loads of creatures out.

i get 20 odd hp per turn with each empathetic bond with my ffq deck all the time
Except that you don't get lot's of creatures out until late in the game, and early/mid game is when you need the stalling, so SoG is usually better.

And yeah, this puts me back to the drawing board on my grinding deck . . .
Title: Re: Empathic Bond
Post by: rowcla on December 23, 2010, 11:49:30 am
I haven't used this card, since the SG FG deck days... and I still won't. using it to get an EM seemed the whole point of the thing. now what good is it?
its useful in decks which get loads of creatures out.

i get 20 odd hp per turn with each empathetic bond with my ffq deck all the time
Except that you don't get lot's of creatures out until late in the game, and early/mid game is when you need the stalling, so SoG is usually better.

And yeah, this puts me back to the drawing board on my grinding deck . . .
not for me, ive gotten loads of creatures out fairly quickly
Title: Re: Empathic Bond
Post by: Kamietsu on December 23, 2010, 11:53:28 am
If you use EB's just add an improved heal. Bonds will help keep you alive, along with SoG's if you use them, and then heal on the turn you will kill your opponent for the EM
Title: Re: Empathic Bond / Feral Bond
Post by: grindpower on December 24, 2010, 11:24:20 am
Not very useful in Mono Life Rush decks but is good with FFQ Decks.
Title: Re: Empathic Bond
Post by: ratcharmer on December 27, 2010, 08:57:13 pm
If you use EB's just add an improved heal. Bonds will help keep you alive, along with SoG's if you use them, and then heal on the turn you will kill your opponent for the EM
I don't think you understand why the change is a problem for many decks.

The basic strategy I had been using was something like this:
-Early stalling with LOTS of SoD's & some bonds
-Build up to the kill (by mutating the tiny critters I summoned to feed the bond, if it matters)
-Miracle on the last turn to EM with 180-220 hp, rake in cash

It wasn't super fast, but with EM's at twice the normal hp it was still a pretty effective grinding deck. What's more, it was the ONLY grinding deck I have ever found that was not another rush deck.

And sadly, some of us find rush decks pretty boring to play.

As to your suggestion, yes it is still technically possible to get EMs with the miracle & heal combo, but it really does not work in this strategy because:
-You can't both stall hard early on and get the EM. If you use heal to stall early then the miracle combo doesn't work.
-It requires 2 "dead cards" in the hand instead of 1
-You need to draw both miracle and heal to get the EM, which makes it much less likely.
Title: Re: Empathic Bond
Post by: silux on January 12, 2011, 08:52:00 pm
No more masteries, miracle+bond masteries...

Now I gain less than half before!
I don't think miracle+ bond combo is OP, because miracle is quite hard to obtain and usually rainbows can't pay for a miracle before 8 turns.

Gaining less electrum makes the game harder and you have to grind a lot more to get enough money to upgrade a card...
Title: Re: Empathic Bond
Post by: Seraph on January 21, 2011, 01:00:54 am
Quite frankly until life gets 1 or 2 forms of mono creature spam (i.e. ffq or graveyard) this card will never be used all to much.  Bond's biggest issue is it takes a duo to build a deck around and even then the cards needed are slow.  Life's healing in a mono life deck should be better than a SoG if not we need new options or a(nother) bond buff
If mitosis makes it,  :)
Other wise this card is easier to fit into rainbows, but it is still easily outclassed for SoG  :(
Title: Re: Empathic Bond | Feral Bond
Post by: xynom on February 02, 2011, 09:03:44 am
i havent used this much yet as im still new but its obisously really good with lots of fireflys or scarabs
Title: Re: Empathic Bond | Feral Bond
Post by: rowcla on February 02, 2011, 01:09:21 pm
i havent used this much yet as im still new but its obisously really good with lots of fireflys or scarabs
well its okay with ffqs, but scarabs would require the extra element so its less effective
Title: Re: Empathic Bond | Feral Bond
Post by: ThugStyle on March 07, 2011, 04:46:25 pm
Great card , especially when u have more in play !!!Mass healing!!!works great with pharaoh(scarab spamming) :life :time!!!