I know jmdt and I go rounds on this, but I run this version of EM LR:
-2 Long Sword
-2 Heal
+2 Epinephirine
+2 Jade Staff
I figure then I can replace 2 of the heals with 2 Jades since most of the time I only ever really need one heal for EM and the Jades still keep my healing options in the deck at 6. Jades, if out early enough, can give as much health in 4 turns as a heal, and for those pesky, long games the staff can keep you going making it's cost cheaper than casting 2 or more heals for the same amount of health. Since I have the Jades, I can then add in the Epi's for a little more damage and get around the slowing CCs like Ice Shields. Yes, there is a lot of annoying CC that can mess with Epi'ed frogs/trices, but there are tims when it really helps to. Hence the reason for only2.
All in all, my version might be just slightly slower than jmdt's, but it still gets a good TTW. Since I figured it out before I ever saw this thread I take a little pride in my deck and I have a hard time swallowing that pride.