I run a very similar version using x3 Epinephrine and x2 Jade Staff with only 3 Improved Heals. (10 towers, 6 Frogs, 6 Trices)
Here is what I found in my own testing with that version:
(in a 50 game run)
6.76 TTW
+1775 Electrum
+1390 Score
28 EMs (56%)
69 minutes to complete w/ spins. (so 50 wins within an hour is very possible if you don't spin)
I notice that a vast majority of my EMs only needed one Heal to make it happen since my Jade Staff kept me in the 80's HP range a lot of the time plus Jade Staff helps widdle down the AI. I like the idea of using the Long Sword, but you can only ever have one out at a time where I have had all my Epinephrine's out at once, but I can see how the Long Sword works well in the above version.
I do know this about my version though. I played it this last week non-stop and only lost twice out a 1000 games. Both losses were a result of an epic fail opening hand versus a epic opening hand for the AI followed by my horrible draws and the AI getting great continuing draws. I gotta figure that a deck with a loss rate .02% isn't all that bad either