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- Disclaimer: This is neither the fastest FG farmer out there nor the most effective FG slayer. Many games are won via almost deckouting. However, it is a life mono and I am proud of it. Also, it is not always straightforward to play it. There are secrets and tactics against each FG. I am open to constructive criticism.
- Strategy:* If you face FG with tons of CC do not play your Dragons till you have 2-3 of them and 2-3 Mitosis. Let the FG use his/her CC against your health if possible. Be even more careful against TU. Against Paradox, if you have an early Mitosis ( especially if you have both in your hand) play that Mitosis to Paradox's RoL, but NOT the RoL in the first slot; Paradox tends to Bless her first RoL and it will be poisoned by your Spine. Do the same if you want to rid any kind of 1-attack creature.
* If you face FG without CC, rush with Mito-Dragons asap. Against Ferox, replace Spine with Thorns at late game and then with Spine again in order to get rid of his RoLs and Leaf Dragons. Do the same with Neptune to get rid of his squids.
* You can deckout some FGs (Octane in particular). In that case, play with your Dragons as you please.
* Do NOT upgrade your single Thorn Carapace.
- Playing Priority:0) Towers/Pends
1) Carapace
2) Jade Staff
3) SoG
4) Jade Dragon
5) Improved Heal/Mitosis
- Discarding Priority:0) Towers/Pends
1) Jade Staff
2) Thorn/Spine Carapace
3) Improved Heal
4) Mitosis/Dragon
- Above average against: Fire Queen [3 won, 2 lost, 1 EMs]
Octane [3 won, 2 lost, 2 EMs]
Destiny [3 won, 2 lost, 2 EMs]
Paradox [3 won, 2 lost, 2 EMs]
Ferox [3 won, 2 lost, 3 EMs]
Neptune [4 won, 1 lost, 2 EMs]
Incarnate [2 won, 3 lost, 2 EMs]
- Below average: Divine Glory [1 won, 4 lost, 0 EMs]
Lionheart [1 won, 4 lost, 0 EMs]
Decay [1 won, 4 lost, 0 EMs]
Osiris [ ? ]
- Bad against (skip): everyone else [0 won, 5 lost, 0 EMs]
- More Strategies:Spoiler for Hidden:
Lionheart: Success depends on how fast he plays stuff AND how often Carapace poisons, but if you have more than mediocre luck you can kill his stuff before swarming you. Conserve your Heals for tight situations and rely to Staff and SoGs for most of time. Do not play any dragons till late game because of Eternity. It is indeed tricky, you are going to lose most of the time against Lionheart's swarming army...
Firefly Queen: You must wait till you have killed most of its EE while flying and wait till she used most of her Fire Bolts to your hp. Early mass FFQ spamming is actually more dangerous to your success than her CC. Wait till you have both Dragons & Mitosis at late game and spam dragons to victory. It is possible to find a CC-free opening earlier in the game where you can spam Mitodragons but do this at your own risk.
Paradox: TU hurts you bad, that's why you have to cast a Mitosis on an non-blessed Photon of her (avoid the early creature slots if possible because she tends to bless them). After she has filled all (or most of) her slots with photons, she will be in a bad shape; she can't draw with her hourglasses due to full hand, she can't use away her TUs and she can't always have Miracles in her hands. There you start spamming Mitodragons ftw!
Octane: You deck him out. It is not as difficult as it seems, rely to your SoGs and Staff and let Carapace kill most of EEs and attract most of his explosions. Use Heals wisely to recover from sudden UG damage.
Neptune: You use Thorn Carapace to kill Squids and the rest of his creatures. Do not play any dragons till the very end (>10 cards to your deck); let him use his Shockwaves to your health instead of freezing & shockwaving your Dragons. Play your 2-3 dragons together and cast Mitosis to the ones who have not been frozen from ice shield. You can kill him before deckouting with your Mitodragons after that.
Divine Glory: It heavily depends if she draws early Burning Towers or not. With only

quanta, your Carapaces will do splendid job. Play your Dragons asap (she lacks CC).
Destiny: Stall with Spine & SoGs & Staff. If she doesn't produce many high hitters with her Eggs she is an easy job. Do not play any dragons till late game because of Eternity.
Ferox: Stall with Thorns instead of Spine to kill RoLs and Leaf Dragons, heal with Improved Heals & SoGs & Staff. After having plenty of quanta, spam Mitodragons ftw!
Incarnate: Stall with Spine, SoGs, Staff and Heals till you have tons of quanta and there are no Bloodsuckers and Retroviruses on the field. Then, spam a single Mitodragon (keep the other 2 in your hand in case the 1st one dies from poisoning), give birth to tons of Dragons and break down any Bonewalls you may encounter.
Decay: Tricky one. Steals can be annoying but she has only 4 of them. Try to stall with Spine hoping it won't get stolen early and with lots of luck you can deck her out. Keeping 2 Towers/Pends in your hand is a good strategy to play Heals and/or SoGs at late game. Of course, you are going to lose this most of the time.
- General AI results against AI5 (By using Elements Game Simulator on Google Chrome)(I know 20% seems low, but that's about the score of FG farmers like Perpetual Light, according to AI. I know AI plays some decks bad, but my FGGF deck is even more prone to bad AI than RoL/Hope decks imho)