ONE --> lol, only that? yeah its not that much, right... cause u rarely find a deck with deflag steal earthquake drain life antimatter aflaxotrin infection paralel universe pandemonium butterfly effect lobotomize rewind fire storm fire lance ice lance congeal mutation endow destroy gravity pull or devour... lol
TWO: Sundial is no needed when u have 4 shards of divinity (196hp) and the attack of your enemy is halved (except momentum) thx to the turtle shield. And eternity sending his units back just to respawn them on next turn and one extra poison
. Anyway u can put sundials too on that deck ofcourse, u wont lose them, remember u would be able to protect them for free lol
One, only Earthquake, Deflagration, Steal, and Butterfly Effect are the only formes of Permanent Control in that list. That being said, many decks don't even both to pack PC and do fine without it. Like MonoTime and MonoDeath.
Two, in that deck, the chances of you getting one of two Turtle Shields in a deck that large to actually be effective is rather slim.
Like I said before, it is only a Neuro deck with excessive protection added. You're more likely to win before you can protect all your creatures and permanents. Meaning that deck does nothing to prove the potential OP nature of Sphinx.