-Thunderbird: Balanced, good
-Necromancer: It shouldn't attack, else it's a bit OP. Either -HP or +cost
-Golem: While interesting, arctic squids are just plain ol' better and more useful. Kind of useless in comparison.
-Tick|Tock: I have been corrected in my comment on Tick|Tock, this card is balanced and very clever! [EDIT] Awesome new artwork for them.
-Crusader: Good idea, the idea of equipping a weapon to a creature is new, intuitive, and the card is balanced
-Soulsteel: I think it's a good idea. It's very balanced and looks fun.
-Quantum flash: this effect is more useful for rainbows with weighted elements (i.e. more

than other elements) while the card draw effect replaces the card spent. Slightly overpriced, maybe 3 quanta and 2 quanta instead of 3 & 4
-Outbreak: combined with aflatoxin and other death cards, this could make a serious death deck!
-Comission: simple and creative, gives an extra OOMPH to healings
-Terror sheild: A bit OP, maybe have it work like gravity shield and not affect creatures with less than 4 attack.
-Harmonic pillar: Useful for duos/trios, Creative.
-Trickster: Interesting effect, Could work well against effect heavy decks. Kind of a one shot Lobo.
-Schrödinger's Cat: Quantum Physics FTW! I love being a geek. THIS GUY NEEDS A COOKIE! Awesome effect. if anyone is clueless as to who Schrödinger is and what he has to do with a cat, click here:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schrodinger%27s_cat (
-Implode: Interesting effect and good for rush decks because you're getting quanta for the next 6 turns for that pillar with one spell. Could be VERY useful.
-Luminiferous Aether: For those that don't read the specific description in the link the photon/spark is RANDOM, Interesting and creative. Nothing like anything I've ever seen before.
-Blue Mage: The same exact card as Trickster, in Aether, more expensive, and a worse effect (trickster actually changes cost to

while Blue Mage does not alter the cost type)
-Skeleton Regent: Good idea and clever, works like a +50% to skeleton attack power thats cumulative. (Aside from elite skeletons with which it acts like a +25% boost)
-Dual Shield: This card, if added to the game, would be in EVERY SINGLE STALL DECK EVER. Very good

-Broken Mirror: This is a great way to counter Fractal decks and is an intuitive idea
-Fear Shield: meh.
NEW CARDS: (lots this time

-Skinners Pigeon: Psychology 101 FTW, the effect is nice an balanced and plays off a real life thing, like Schrödinger's cat
-Flaming Warrior: interesting effect, cost ATT and HP are well balanced and suited to the fire element
-Enchantress: YAY mythology! Plays well off the sirens in mythology and balanced.
-Colossus: Alfatoxin+gravity pull = OP
-Acceleration: Good, clever, suiting to its name and gives an advantage AND disavantage
-Fly: Imagine a diving crimson dragon deck... yeah OP
-Four Seasons: good for a rainbow to lock out a mono for a few turns. short lived
-Sunrise: YAY, this should also counter nightfall (ie +1|1


for this card and the opposite for nightfall) however light emitting makes it slightly OP
Top 5 cards for me:
1st: Schrödinger's cat (yay geekness)
2nd: Implode (most useful)
3rd: Harmonic Pillar (second most useful)
4th: Outbreak (good effect)
5th: Tick|Tock (interesting (Gawd, I need to stop using that word))