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Re: Level 3 - Armory https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6850.msg158636#msg158636
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2010, 09:51:00 pm »
Your points are duly noted, but mostly useless. All of the cards here have made it past two, maybe three rounds of voting. Changing them would mean they should have to start over. Besides, once they're this far, Zanzarino is the only one who can decide to put them into the game, and if he doesn't like a card, but likes the idea, he can change it, or use it however he wants. Take the Voodoo Doll for example. It was originally a spell.

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Re: Level 3 - Armory https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6850.msg158792#msg158792
« Reply #13 on: September 15, 2010, 01:16:19 am »
Here's my opinion for all cards:

Thunderbird: The creature itself is not really interesting, but its ability is. I think it would be better if it was a spell.
Necromancer: It shouldn't attack, else it's a bit overpowered.
Golem: nice idea if only the enemy can freeze the water golem.
Tick: simple and interesting.
Crusader: very overpowered, you could just stack damage again and again.
Soulsteal: I think it's the best idea so far. It's very balanced and looks fun.
Quantum flash: nice, but for the un-upgraded version you lose 4 and only gain 3... Drawing a card doesn't really help.
Outbreak: looks like a weaker version of plague.
Crusade: nice but not so creative.
Terror sheild: that's so overpowered, it would render almost all attacking creatures helpless in a couple turns.
Harmonic pillar: kinda overpowered too. 2 times more quanta is huge.
The ability Endow on Crusader can only be used once, so there's no stacking of attack or abilities.

Quantum Flash takes random quanta and essentially converts it into an elemental quanta.

Outbreak can affect creatures played after the spell itself is played, and is damaging long-term.

Harmonic Pillar does not double the quanta, it only increases the amount of quanta each stack produces by one.

I suggest you read the threads before commenting.
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Re: Level 3 - Armory https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6850.msg159245#msg159245
« Reply #14 on: September 15, 2010, 10:54:56 pm »
Oh whooops. Looks like I misunderstood some cards.

I'll read them next time before I review.

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Re: Level 3 - Armory https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6850.msg167060#msg167060
« Reply #15 on: September 29, 2010, 02:56:28 am »
Luminiferous Aether, Water Golem, Thunderbird and Necromancer are my personal favorites.
Ignotum venit retro vivere. :aether :light

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Re: Level 3 - Armory https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6850.msg174164#msg174164
« Reply #16 on: October 10, 2010, 09:36:02 pm »
Many people said that the cost of Luminiferous Aether was too high, so I lowered it. Please update the images on this post.

To be or not to be, I can do both at once. Go learn quantum mechanics, n00b.


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Re: Level 3 - Armory https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6850.msg174168#msg174168
« Reply #17 on: October 10, 2010, 09:42:26 pm »
I understood that once the card entered the crucible, and especially after it was voted past it, that significant changes to the card were no longer allowed without it being sent back the the crucible for reconsideration. People voted your card up to armory, I don't think you need to worry about the cost of the card at this point. The only person left to convince is Zanz, and I am fairly sure he would figure out any balancing issues.

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Re: Level 3 - Armory https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6850.msg174191#msg174191
« Reply #18 on: October 10, 2010, 11:06:48 pm »
I understood that once the card entered the crucible, and especially after it was voted past it, that significant changes to the card were no longer allowed without it being sent back the the crucible for reconsideration. People voted your card up to armory, I don't think you need to worry about the cost of the card at this point. The only person left to convince is Zanz, and I am fairly sure he would figure out any balancing issues.
People mainly vote for cards because they like the concepts. If the card concept is changed, and the card now does something entirely different, then it should be sent back to Crucible. No one is going to care about minor changes like the cost.
To be or not to be, I can do both at once. Go learn quantum mechanics, n00b.


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Re: Level 3 - Armory https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6850.msg174205#msg174205
« Reply #19 on: October 10, 2010, 11:26:53 pm »
I understood that once the card entered the crucible, and especially after it was voted past it, that significant changes to the card were no longer allowed without it being sent back the the crucible for reconsideration. People voted your card up to armory, I don't think you need to worry about the cost of the card at this point. The only person left to convince is Zanz, and I am fairly sure he would figure out any balancing issues.
People mainly vote for cards because they like the concepts. If the card concept is changed, and the card now does something entirely different, then it should be sent back to Crucible. No one is going to care about minor changes like the cost.
I agree with this.  I vote for concepts and expect the cost, art, or stats might change.


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Re: Level 3 - Armory https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6850.msg178583#msg178583
« Reply #20 on: October 17, 2010, 08:23:55 pm »
-Thunderbird: Balanced, good
-Necromancer: It shouldn't attack, else it's a bit OP. Either -HP or +cost
-Golem: While interesting, arctic squids are just plain ol' better and more useful. Kind of useless in comparison.
-Tick|Tock: I have been corrected in my comment on Tick|Tock, this card is balanced and very clever! [EDIT] Awesome new artwork for them.
-Crusader: Good idea, the idea of equipping a weapon to a creature is new, intuitive, and the card is balanced
-Soulsteel: I think it's a good idea. It's very balanced and looks fun.
-Quantum flash: this effect is more useful for rainbows with weighted elements (i.e. more :earth than other elements) while the card draw effect replaces the card spent. Slightly overpriced, maybe 3 quanta and 2 quanta instead of 3 & 4
-Outbreak: combined with aflatoxin and other death cards, this could make a serious death deck!
-Comission: simple and creative, gives an extra OOMPH to healings
-Terror sheild: A bit OP, maybe have it work like gravity shield and not affect creatures with less than 4 attack.
-Harmonic pillar: Useful for duos/trios, Creative.
-Trickster: Interesting effect, Could work well against effect heavy decks. Kind of a one shot Lobo.
-Schrödinger's Cat: Quantum Physics FTW! I love being a geek. THIS GUY NEEDS A COOKIE! Awesome effect. if anyone is clueless as to who Schrödinger is and what he has to do with a cat, click here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schrodinger%27s_cat (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schrodinger%27s_cat)
-Implode: Interesting effect and good for rush decks because you're getting quanta for the next 6 turns for that pillar with one spell. Could be VERY useful.
-Luminiferous Aether: For those that don't read the specific description in the link the photon/spark is RANDOM, Interesting and creative. Nothing like anything I've ever seen before.
-Blue Mage: The same exact card as Trickster, in Aether, more expensive, and a worse effect (trickster actually changes cost to :darkness while Blue Mage does not alter the cost type)
-Skeleton Regent: Good idea and clever, works like a +50% to skeleton attack power thats cumulative. (Aside from elite skeletons with which it acts like a +25% boost)
-Dual Shield: This card, if added to the game, would be in EVERY SINGLE STALL DECK EVER. Very good :D.
-Broken Mirror: This is a great way to counter Fractal decks  and is an intuitive idea
-Fear Shield: meh.

NEW CARDS: (lots this time :D)
-Skinners Pigeon: Psychology 101 FTW, the effect is nice an balanced and plays off a real life thing, like Schrödinger's cat
-Flaming Warrior: interesting effect, cost ATT and HP are well balanced and suited to the fire element
-Enchantress: YAY mythology! Plays well off the sirens in mythology and balanced.
-Colossus: Alfatoxin+gravity pull = OP
-Acceleration: Good, clever, suiting to its name and gives an advantage AND disavantage
-Fly: Imagine a diving crimson dragon deck... yeah OP
-Four Seasons: good for a rainbow to lock out a mono for a few turns. short lived
-Sunrise: YAY, this should also counter nightfall (ie +1|1 :light -1|1 :darkness for this card and the opposite for nightfall) however light emitting makes it slightly OP

Top 5 cards for me:
1st: Schrödinger's cat   (yay geekness)
2nd: Implode               (most useful)
3rd: Harmonic Pillar      (second most useful)
4th: Outbreak              (good effect)
5th: Tick|Tock              (interesting (Gawd, I need to stop using that word))

Offline Korugar

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Re: Level 3 - Armory https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6850.msg178630#msg178630
« Reply #21 on: October 17, 2010, 09:30:07 pm »
-Tick: Tick/Tock + Basillik Blood= Ouch! OP! maybe instead of twice the turns, half?
I have to go, so I don't have time to read the whole post, but don't forget that it has to die before the damage is done. Basilisk Blood will mean you have to wait 20 turns for it to die. Kill it earlier with a direct damage spell and you not only have to use more cards, but you won't do as much damage.

Re: Level 3 - Armory https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6850.msg178897#msg178897
« Reply #22 on: October 18, 2010, 05:16:33 am »
Remember that creativity is not necessarily dependent on the card's complexity.  Simple concepts well-invented are much more likely to mesh well together into emergent strategies, rather than find a niche and become stagnant.  (Of course Crusade kind of has a niche, doesn't it?  D'oh!)

I am always in favor of simple elegance - all my card ideas reflect that.


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Re: Level 3 - Armory https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6850.msg180676#msg180676
« Reply #23 on: October 20, 2010, 09:19:39 pm »
Remember that creativity is not necessarily dependent on the card's complexity.  Simple concepts well-invented are much more likely to mesh well together into emergent strategies, rather than find a niche and become stagnant.  (Of course Crusade kind of has a niche, doesn't it?  D'oh!)

I am always in favor of simple elegance - all my card ideas reflect that.
-Tick: Tick/Tock + Basillik Blood= Ouch! OP! maybe instead of twice the turns, half?
I have to go, so I don't have time to read the whole post, but don't forget that it has to die before the damage is done. Basilisk Blood will mean you have to wait 20 turns for it to die. Kill it earlier with a direct damage spell and you not only have to use more cards, but you won't do as much damage.

