draw for earth?
earth will rule the game!
very good card idea,
having extra benefits for drawing pillars
will just rock my world.
personal opinion,
increment charge seems extra, i dun like.
the original card effects is just nice.
Why is the second ability
Is it just because
gets all the card draw?
In general, what Espithel said is one of the big motivations. The time element has card draw
advantage as a core theme. Note that there are other examples of "card advantage" (e.g. mindgate, SoSe) and card draw (SoBr). But only time allows players to draw MORE cards than their opponents.
If you notice, cards like mindgate and SoSe can give you extra cards, but they don't allow you to get to your own decks cards faster.
For SoBr, you can get to your cards faster, but your opponent gets the same draw boost.
So other elements get to have card draw and / or card advantage, but I haven't seen both.
Since card draw advantage is core to

I saw it as good form to include some form of time element interaction.
This doesn't mean there can't be card draw advantage outside of the time element if it fits thematically. However, if it is seen without a link to time, there has to be some kind of drawback to keep it from overshadowing time's role as a draw advantage source.
This card provides a very strong potential draw advantage, so I wanted to be careful not to 'step on time's toes' so to speak.