Yay life creature(s) that come in a 3 for 1 package! Awesomeness! Darn shouldn't have shown too much excitement cuz now my post going to get labeled as biased 
Anyway, comments (if not specified i'm talking about the upped version):
I like the idea of having stand alone creatures tokens that arrive on scene with the regular summon of a life creature for it allows the emphatic bond to see more play. Good protection against single target CC that too which will be awesome as Antimatter users can go cry xD.
Cost to damage ratio seems fair slightly on the strong side, on par with currently in game monster (Mid-range attacker I'm mentally comparing with is gravity's 7/5 upped charger. This one gets tokens for extra synergy with bond while charger gets momentum, seems fair)
Card has obvious weaknesses available to most elements such as AoE spells, otyguh and shields which can reduced 3 dmg for 1 def. so has very easy to access counters which is great for balancing the game.
However, I'd just like to suggest avoiding placing the upped lead wolf's attack at 3, since adrenaline + 3 attack creature is just crazy carnage, might make mono life a little too much punch with just pillars, 1~2 bonds, un-upped frog, wolves and adrenaline. (Gah why am i suggesting to take away from potential awesomeness of my fav element

Anyway, apart from that I love this card, go life~!
Hope my comments were helpful

P.S. Also bonus points for introducing a omnivore for the life element.. the forest that is life at the moment seems devoid of any mid tier predators which just seems to be an incomplete food chain :X