rem4life 3-2 Zso_Zso
Very good games rem4life !
I tried my best to stop you but could not make it...
Game 1: Tried to play ready-golems (never actually got one out), very tight match against that Ghostmare
lost by 1 turn, rem4life had 4HP left
Game 2: Played SoD + fire rush, Killed some early damage to slow down rem4life, did most of the damage by fahrenheit as he kept eating my phoenixes, then finished with a bolt,
won (1-1)Game 3: A crazy deck with SoV + Bolts + fire-shield and nymphs for heavy CC,
won (despite some of my stuff getting stolen)
(2-1)Game 4: Played a phoenix + SoFre deck but got outrushed by mono time,
loss (2-2)Game 5: Didn't know what to bring, finally decided on my crazy SoD+SoSa combo in hope to survive a fast rush. Unfortunately, it did not work out, not enough quanta to play my stuff (or bolt his),
loss (2-3)