BTW you might want to look into Google Spreadsheets. It can be updated my multiple users and could be used to store ranking data.
And you CAN delete your owns threads. I've done it before.
Yup, I'm already using Google Spreadsheets. So as soon as somebody else volunteers to help with keeping track of scores, I'll share access to the spreadsheet.
I've tried to delete my own thread but it brings up this error:
So if you know how to do it, give me a step by step instructions how, because I can't figure it out.
As far as threads, I'm planning on breaking it down to three. One thread for Rules, Rankings, and Signup; a second for Games; a third for Suggestions and Chat. I don't want to combine suggestions and chat with RR&S because I don't want to have to wade through suggestions and inane chatter to find people who are wanting to sign up. Plus, it might confuse a newcomer on where to sign up. If they see the only posts on there being other people signing up, hopefully it will keep things straightforward and obvious. I like your idea of putting Rules, Rankings, and Signup together because those are all things people will look at often. People want to know their rank as well as who else is playing. Plus if any rules change, they should see it quickly.