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TStar(6) pikachufan2164(9)

Offline pikachufan2164

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  • pikachufan2164 soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.pikachufan2164 soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.pikachufan2164 soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.pikachufan2164 soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.pikachufan2164 soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.pikachufan2164 soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.pikachufan2164 soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.pikachufan2164 soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.
  • Phase in, phase out.
  • Awards: Rouser of Willng3 RecruitsWeekly Tournament WinnerWar #5 Winner - Team AetherSlice of Elements 3rd Birthday CakeTeam PvP #4 WinnerSlice of Elements 2nd Birthday Cake 	2nd Trivia Winner
Re: Elements PvP League 3/2011 - Announcements (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2011, 07:16:15 pm »
Less than one week remains before the end of Season 3/2011 of Leagues; remember to get those last few matches in! :)
I'm doing science, and I'm still alive.

Level 2 Magic Judge.

Offline TStarTopic starter

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  • TStar is a proud Wyrm taking wing for the first time.TStar is a proud Wyrm taking wing for the first time.TStar is a proud Wyrm taking wing for the first time.TStar is a proud Wyrm taking wing for the first time.TStar is a proud Wyrm taking wing for the first time.
  • Highly Overrated
  • Awards: Beginners League 3/2011 WinnerKing of Underworld - War #4Weekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerBeginners League 2/2011 WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerBeginners League 1/2011 WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament Winner
Re: Elements PvP League 3/2011 - Announcements (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #13 on: December 05, 2011, 01:43:37 am »
League 3/2011 has now ended.  Preliminary standings will be calculated later tonight and the topics will be unlocked.  Once a full audit of matches is completed the final standings will be released.
Carpe Diem!!

Offline pikachufan2164

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  • pikachufan2164 soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.pikachufan2164 soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.pikachufan2164 soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.pikachufan2164 soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.pikachufan2164 soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.pikachufan2164 soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.pikachufan2164 soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.pikachufan2164 soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.
  • Phase in, phase out.
  • Awards: Rouser of Willng3 RecruitsWeekly Tournament WinnerWar #5 Winner - Team AetherSlice of Elements 3rd Birthday CakeTeam PvP #4 WinnerSlice of Elements 2nd Birthday Cake 	2nd Trivia Winner
I'm doing science, and I'm still alive.

Level 2 Magic Judge.


blarg: TStar,RavingRabbid,mrpaper,calindu221,Jenkar,RootRanger,taker,girlsgeneration,Odii Odsen,Antagon,Onizuka,kirchj33,10 men,aarnott,Arceus567,ariannarose,artimies7,Athanaric,atomiton,Battoukiri Modified,blacob,blarp,BloodlinE213,bucky1andonly,Cereal Guy,DarknessDemon,DeathPanda1,demented Dandy,draco119966,DrunkDestroyer,fable19,Final Destiny Of Hope,Fluffy Ninja,giosper,gocubbies1212,Gufo90,Gumbeh,Haltar Dhrim,Iman00b8,iTry,James Abrams,ji412jo,jippy99,killerassassin,Krypt101,legomyhobo,LifeLockable,Malebolgia,MartyrX,mattwpp6,melwin96,Mithcairion,Momofunk,neverstop4325,nilsieboy,nloloew,oblivion1212,pedzacyzolw,poperekov,powdergame99,Psydonous,salox,Shaliyah,Sinec,streakytarsier,TakoMan02,terminator1337,vikram207,Wadjet,wurmcoil,WVM2,xn0ize,xtrait