Audits of both Leagues have been completed. Matches which break the 24 hour minimum cooldown and/or 9 match maximum rules have been deleted from the standings.
In addition, the tracking spreadsheets have been updated with the all matches completed before the audit.
However, these spreadsheets will not be updated with as much regularity as the standings. It is the player's responsibility to ensure that their League matches are valid and don't break the rules.>> Beginner's League 2/2011 Tracker << (>> Championship League 2/2011 Tracker << ( Match Tracker spreadsheet keeps track of all played matches.
The Player Tracker keeps track of all matches that a player has completed.
Simply copy the stats from your own username in the Player Tracker, then paste into your spreadsheet program of choice.
Timestamps are most likely NOT ACCURATE (depending on your timezone). Go through your posts in the League thread for the correct timestamps for your timezone.Matches in the Player Tracker highlighted in pale yellow indicate 9 matches completed between two players -- any further matches between them are invalid.
Matches in the Player Tracker highlighted in grey indicate that the match has been invalidated because it either broke the 24 hour minimum cooldown rule, or the 9 match maximum rule.
If you have any questions about the Tracker spreadsheets, feel free to PM
Below is a list of all League participants this season; names in yellow indicate players added during the extension (10 match minimum to avoid ban, 30 match minimum to win prizes):
Beginners League | Championship League |
9270984 1chase1997 Acceleration Ace of Souls agentflare Akatchi alumpyrock Arbalest AsModias az4rel Azotaka Baily18 Bhlewos Blazing Moonwalker BobertJoe carnage18 CCCombobreaker champs4 chatra177 chrissi1988 Collini coolyoung10 ddevans96 Deamon19 DeathPanda1 Dm1321 drogana DSSCRA einherjar145 Fan of Rainbows FinalFrontier Frugiemonkey Gatling glopso Godsped Hisar Imthrond Jenkar jimfinn jippy99 Jocko karthikking Kiebur kirchj33 Kjaska Legit LifeLockable light_sefi LStanley82 masamainio Masterfurry MatrimKK morningstar mrpaper Neopergoss nilsieboy noryb330 Odii Odsen Onizuka patchx94 Photonswarm plastiqe Psybient Remiarn robinson_crouso RootRanger scauduro221095 Sellsdrugs2kids Seraph Sevs sh0e ShiningSword Shmid Singularis Smittius Smurrf Solarias Spiraler Svenningen TimerClock14 Toimu13 TStar UTAlan vaudevillian vidurkhanna vinvick3714 WVM2 YawnChainHow Zblader ZergKing ZeroDegree zissuu
| AnoverX atomi bongoz bucky1andonly calindu221 catalyzeme DevilLoss Donzaloog DrunkDestroyer EvaRia harakirinosaru Hobnob5000 icecoldbro Jen-i kevkev60614 Ley majofa MikeyBoiBlue MrBlonde Noobiecakes parasite99 QuantumT ralouf1 RavingRabbid SteppingStone81 Tea is good Terroking TheonlyrealBeef triangular truddy02 Trykster tttt vagman13 whitevo xn0ize |