Laxadarap: 2
dragonsdemesne: 0
We could only use even cost cards, and if you used a card, you had to have one copy of a card with a cost one even below it. For example, if you used an 8 cost card, you must use a 6 cost card, and because of that you must use 4 -> 2 -> 0 cost cards.
Game 1: Black sands vs. It's a Tarp! Was going in expecting NT spam or some kind of snovabow, this owns both. I derped, making him think I didn't have EQ, and I got a nice 3 pillar stack gone. He didn't draw a gpull until like 10 cards left, and I just tore apart his voodoo because he didn't have any BB left/quanta to play them.
Game 2: Rol/hope -lobos against UG nymphs. Ouch. I think I got a 5/6 turn win too.