pardon me, but not only did i take a screenshot that showed him running out of time, but he also only had 1 card left in his deck. Unless he can show with a screenshot that he had a 5th adrenaline and that it was the last card, and because he did concede to me in the chat room in the end, there should be no reason for a replay of my game vs devilloss. Am I the only one that thinks it is a bit odd he all of a sudden claims desync with 1 card left in his deck?

this is my screenshot
this is what he says was in his deck, i think there was one more heal and one less adren
The only way I will agree to a replay is if we use different decks, because I really don't think the deck in his screenshot is the same as what he was actually using. And there is no way to prove just that they are one and the same. Otherwise, this should be my win, claiming desync with 1 card left and not enough damage on the field to win should be more than enough proof that I had the win.