I'd like to remind you all that the name
must be
exactly the same as the forum name.
This includes capitals. I have seen this error twice today, one being from the person in question. Just to remind you:
I would like to remind everyone that the names have to be identical to forum names. If they are not, it's going to screw up the database. And by identical, I mean identical. Not almost identical, but 100% identical.
If reporting results with incorrect names starts to happen daily, we will use a hardcore method of not including those results at all. Otherwise organizers have to waste time hunting down the real name because they person who posted the results didn't use a capital letter. It's the responsibility of the winner to make sure that forum names, and names on the results post, match.
9270984- I've looked at it, and it shows that you're entered properly, so there must be an issue with Google Docs. I brought it up in chat and it should be fixed soon.