There was sort of a desync (in my screen at least, it appeared as if he was stalling his turn through the whole minute each time). The AI started for me and said that my opponent wasn't responding. After that, we both won our games against AI, and showed to each other the screenshot. He was trying to reclaim the victory because if no desync had ocurred, he thinks he would have won. Since we both won against AI, I said that the League Rules state that we should rematch, and on the rematch I won.
I know he's upset, and he thinks I'm taking advantage of the whole desync thing, but I wanted to play the first game right and on my screen the game said that he wasn't responding. After all of this he doesn't want to play the rest of the games and told me to put the game here on the thread, so this is it.
I'm sorry this happened, never intended to take advantage of a desync, but rules are rules (he did say though: "course desiynk happens when I can win")
I don't know if this will count as a win or I should play some other day the other game(s) for the match. I think it even can get nullified, and I would be OK with it (as it never happened).