I would like to restart.
New elements :
I took 3 random elements last time, this time I decided to go with light and 2 elements that I believe work very well with it.
You may not resignup until you are unable to field a legal deck. (This will require you to lose 3 games at the minimum (just make it so that you cannot discard and must lock element)
why is that? I'll ust find 3 people and give them free wins and disrupt the event? makes no sense to me
I'm with jijo here. People could just lose on purpose or etc.
People should be able to restart at will.
The original idea was that one can resignup at any given time, but you'll just have to wait for the next round until you can join again.
Also, as soon as the "suggestions and feedback" thread is open, I'd like to propose a new rule:
70% rule change:
Anyone can request a rule to be changed / adapted. If the organizer agrees, he'll put up a poll for a round, if 70% or more vote Yes, the rule is changed starting next round.
This rule would be a welcome addition to any event IMO. Would prevent the "oh my, I derped there but that'll cause a huge flamewar if the rule just gets changed. what to do nao?
" - problem.