Well, I have to go to bed in 10 minutes, so this won't be as snazzy as I wanted, but LET'S DO THIS!!
FIRST: Imagine the deadline is in fact MONDAY, not Tuesday. there is very little I can do on Tuesday to tidy up tasks due to other commitments. I'd like a final draft or at least an almost complete draft posted by Monday, 24 hours before the deadline.
SECOND: Please come to teh discord server:
https://discord.gg/HK8KkNk, much easier place to discuss things. If you are online, please lurk there.
THIRD: please reply to this post with your general availability so we can get used to when people are around for discussion.
Task Allocations:
Boss: That's me, I'll cover all the boss tasks, although as I say this, the first task is art and that is scary AF.
Card Design: Solaris. with Espithel throwing ideas in as much as possible IN THE EARLY STAGES of a round, and then helping with balance once an idea is made. As Espi is low activity this round, russianspy's expertise here is also very welcome. CD is a task we should really be winning.
Deck Building: russianspy.
Art: Espithel unless computer art is really inappropriate for a round, in which case I'll give it a go.
Writing: Me, unless I have to take on an art task in which case we'll cross that bridge when we come to it, potentially if one of you AS EARLY as possible in a round say an idea you have and i'll work with that, it's much faster coming up with something once some ideas have been floated.
I have to say, previous brawls I have had all the time in the world. I now have a full time job and usually do things at the weekend, so my time will be MUCH more limited.