Ignoring the fact that some of these replies can sound like a pre-recored messages

, this community is actually really cool, probably the best online community I've been in (out of only 2).
Despite me being computer-retarted, bad at the game, and sometimes very stupid, I have been accepted. (Funnily enough I find it harder to get accepted online than in real life)
However, since you already know me from chat, I won't turn this into another self-centred ego boosting post, I already have about 600 of those. Most of the people here are trustworthy people, feel free to give them your bank account number and password and they will gladly get you to fake god farming level in no time.
(But seriously, all the events are well run, and the tournaments encourage restrictive deckbuilding for once you figure the whole game out, there are ridiculously good deckmakers here who manage to keep my score in the positive, and so is the attitude of the community here. I bet in a couple weeks I'll be asking you for help instead. Good luck man)