Welcome everyone! I'm Defrox, as you can see on the left side. I've known Elements since one and a half year, and I really like it - best way to procrastinate learning before exams. Now I finally got my deck together, a fine mono-Aether and a trio deck based on omegareaper7's and Sevs's deck idea. Right now I'm just collecting electrum, as I own most of the rares, and finally 6 nymphs

I like many of the elements and cards, but I like them more with some combos, just like:
- Pest with Fractal, as seen at FG Decay
- SoR's in a mono
deck with pharaohs and Anubises - I tried to use a SoR on the Leaf dragon to get infinite
every turn, but it won't let me to do so 
I'm learning how to build decks but I'm not really a professional yet.

That wasn't the most glorious of my posts but I try hard.