Hello everyone, you may call me Matty as well as any abbreviation/shortening of my screen name. I would also give you the names most commonly used for me by real life contacts but they would be an extreme breach of T&C's (What are family for if they're not vulgar to you, eh?)
I started playing elements a long time ago on Kongregate back when there was still a random game selector on the home screen, in the time leading up to 2011 I had played many games and gotten a decent understanding of combinations and what not. In 2011 I had a falling out with a couple long-term friends from the site where I played elements and decided to take a break from the site and then after a couple years I had a weird inclination to check back and see how the friends I had left behind were doing which led to me starting elements back up.
When I tried starting elements back up I couldn't remember my details and had to start again as I had lost the password for the E-mail account for recovery, and through starting a new account I realized that I was a born again newbie with everything to learn again and started noticing new things that initially had me stumped, so I started discussing it with a friend in the chat who insisted we go to room #2 as not to flood the regular chat and it was hard to keep up a conversation between just two parties in the more active room #1.
During my recent time in room #2 I have received help from a few of the regulars their and have developed an understanding of the newer cards and able to get back into enjoying the game, and now I have been advised to introduce myself to the community and take part in events and discussions, so here I am.