Hi, I'm Blaze 4444 or Blaze for short! I signed up to the chat a approximately 40 minutes before this message was sent but I am definately not new to the game! I believe I have been playing for over a year of infrequent playing and now am starting to really get into the game now.
Questions About Me: -
What Is your favorite Element: 
would probably be my favorite and I use the (probably) outdated deck that concludes of hiding behind shields whilst playing my elite phase dragons.
Are you open for challenges: Mostly, I normally enjoy the thrill of challenges but can often be buisy trying to get cards for my deck or trying new decks out
Can you help me with trying decks: If you are kind enough, sure! (that's if I'm not buisy . . .)
Do you like to chat: I am fine with talking but I will let you know in advance, I am normally not aware if someone is attempting to talk or have posted something new in the conversation
Could we be online friends: This is normally a no from me as if I don't know you personally, I mean you would probably know nothing else than that of what I say and trully you don't know if it is true or not!
Can we just be ingame friends: That I am fine with and as long as you don't do something of bad and/or irrational behaviour I'm sure we could be good elemental buddies
Is there any other way I can contact you: No. And even if there were, I would NOT tell you. I have trust issues with people I don't know online and for some reason want to know about some stranger . . . for some reason . . .
How old are you: Don't ask for personal information, I wont tell.
If you have any more questions, just ask! I'll do my best to answer!