Greetings, ladies and gentlemen.
My name is CG and I am just now joining the forums, despite having been playing elements (off and on) for a fairly long while. I don't remember exactly when it was that I started, but IIRC, rares were limited to weapons, arctic squid, and miracle (and maybe another one? don't quite remember). None of this wacky "nymph" stuff you kids have these days.
Anyways, I seem to pick this game up every few months or so, and it completely takes up all of my gaming time for a while, then I realize I'm grinding the same deck against AI3 over and over and over and I get bored and go play something else. With that being said, I'm finally just about to the point where I can start on FG's - I've got Essence's two-upped-two-rare deck with ~50 games under its belt, and I have more or less enough money to buy a (minimally upgraded) RoL/hope deck at some point in the fairly near future, so I'm hoping that I've reached the point where I start to have a lot more to do with the game instead of just grinding AI3 over and over and saving money.
I'm quite fond of this game (periodically getting bored with AI3 grinding notwithstanding), and will hopefully soon start getting comfortable enough with the game/my card collection to start in some of the PvP stuff. Also, I've quite recently started feeling like I've got enough of a grasp on the mechanics to start actually building my own effective decks rather than basically using other people's designs, which is pretty much my favorite turning point in any game like this. I'm a big fan of the strategy/planning aspect of games like this.
At any rate, hi, everybody.
edit: Upon looking at old patch notes, I can state with a fairly high degree of certainty that I did not start any later than 1.16 (since I'm basically sure I remember 1.17 patch hitting). However, I cannot figure out if I started during 1.16, 1.15, or earlier.