Hello everyone. I've been on the forums for
QUITE a long time but never formally introduced myself. I make random decks and test them out myself, often to little or no avail. Some of the ones that do quite well in testing, I post in the Deck Help section for further improvement. More often than not, I forget about them entirely and move on to new ones.
Anyways, I do like to test out decks, so if you see posts in the deck help sections by me, its a brain child of mine that
MAY or
MAY NOT be original, as I do not do searches before hand. (hence the brain child ideas).
I'm currently in the process of testing out a


deck that may or may not be posted for further improvement. I like to make decks that I believe the players can use effectively, and as such most of them are fairly simple in strategy. If you like the decks, by all means, use them. Its what I like to do.