Hello, my name is Valerian Flame, but you can just call me Valerian.
How I found about Elements: Surfing for free games on Kongregate. I was looking for card games and found Elements. Noticing it was free and I didn't need a Kongregate account, I was impressed. I later warmed up to the game and just recently found out about the official website.
Favorite element and why: Fire. I've always "warmed up" to fire (punny, I know.) in many games like Elements. Plus, I always like the idea of a glass cannon (fragile yet powerful). Many of the cards have also impressed me, such as Phoenix, Brimstone Eater, Deflagaration, and Ruby Dragon, with its massive 15 damage per turn. Fahrenheit and Shard of Bravery are also good cards.
Second favorite element and why: Gravity. At first, I never liked it, but realizing the power with combinations like Massive Dragon and Overdrive, as well as the usefulness of Chimera, gravity became my go to school (or one of them) for getting rid of Aether Stall decks.
Third favorite element and why: Darkness. This should be self-explanatory. Steal, Vampire Stiletto (1 darkness quanta for such a reward?), Nightfall, Devourer, the list goes on and on. Plus, it's Darkness!!! What's not cool about darkness?
Hobbies: I do mostly nothing but sit around and play on whatever devices are laying in my room. This includes the computer I typed this very message on, my 3ds, and my Wii U (I try to play decently in Smash Bros, and I end up winning most of the time).
My thoughts on Elements: Amazing game with an amazing community. It's good to be with such nice people in a community like this. If I ask for a good mono time deck, they'll respond. The game is fun and addicting and is a great way to invest some free time in. No matter what your strategy is, there is a counter. Even P-Dials has a counter (purify). Like all games, it does have room for improvement. Some elements are slightly more overpowered than others, and some counters are less "counterable" than others.
I am new to the forums and therefore unintroduced to the terminology. If I mess up, correct me without hesitation. People have been begging me to sign up since I discovered the Elements chat room, so I did.
Anyways, that's all about me. I can't think of much else, but hopefully I'll get into the community better and even help out the future new ones. See you all!