Never did one of these intro thingers...I suppose now works.
The name's Freefall...
RandomBandit in-game.
in that order
love/hate relationship with
least liked:
I stumbled on the game on kongregate I believe. The aesthetic drew me in, the large variety kept me around, and the grind-of-doom will keep me from playing obsessively [good? bad? not sure...].
A few things that stood out to me.
-Simple things like when you pair water with something, the deck takes on the 'feel' of the non-water element. [intentional or not, that is just brilliant]. I know it is not a big deal, and it is really just one color, but it just struck me.
-Unlisted effects. Skeletons reverse-timed, and Adrenaline on a Malignant Cell. I understand the last one to be a glitch, but it is still a FANTASTIC mechanic. To be honest, I would like to see more of this. It is a bit counter-intuitive to CCG design, but it is simply too unique to not expand on, even a little.
-The MASSIVE void between long-term players and new ones. [Grind FOREVER, maybe get into pvp if you can] Would be less of an issue with better matching.
not end on a negative...The involved community, and the Dev(s?) involvement with said community. Just seeing players names on the card art is very neat.
I place this game firmly in the 'shows MASSIVE promise and I truly hope it is further developed to it's full potential' category. As it stands right now, I have more fun reading through the forums and looking at the cards in the trainer than grinding through L3s in the actual game.
I think that should do it for now. I will be around \o
heh heh