So my name is qwereq I've been playing Elements on and off for the past few years. I started on and switched over a long time ago, and just now got onto the forums. Overall Elements is a great game with minimal "pay to win" opportunities, therefore keeping it pretty fair. The art it amazing, game play is awesome, and strategizing with decks is really fun.
Elite Graboid
Vampire Stiletto
Drudic Staff
Green Nymph
Blue Nymph
Favorite Deck Styles:
Mono Earth Graboid/ Shreiker (Current, some upgrades)
Mono Life Forest Scorpion Adrenaline Mitosis
Life, Splash Water and Light Photo/ Forest Spirit
Time Splash Death and Gravity Pharoh/ Mummy Scarab (Incomplete, need Pharohs)
I plan to build a Steam Machine deck but haven't gotten around to it since most of my electrum goes to upgrading cards in the Mono Earth.