mi nam iz domedproph (dp for shirt, teehehehe)
And I don't actually type like above.. Bleh, that was making me twitch.
Either way, I've been playing Elements for 2-3 months now (irregularly) and just last night I finally decided to participate in the elements chat room. Either way, one thing leads to another and someone suggested that I create a forums account...
Either way, as far as my interests..
I like long walks on the beach (in Minecraft)
I like moonlit walks on new & unexplored planets (in Dead Space)
As well as frolicking through the fields (in Harvest Moon, also, inb4 'bundle of sticks! y u play harvest moon?')
I am admittedly a /b/tard, a Minecrafter, a planeswalker and a programmer.
IRL I work as a computer lab assistant for a state college, and I am working on my Bachelor's degree in Computer Science (focusing on Networking).
Also, I am enlisted in the US Military.
y u be no friendly? say hi!
Edit: I look like an idiot in the above post. Shit.