I'm a very avid player of all sorts of card games, I've played tons of hearthstone, magic the gather, and even yugioh quite a bit honestly ^^'. I love playing card games and my favorite part about card games is theory crafting and creating decks, tweaking decks with different tech choices or meta counters, and in general caring way too much about every card in every deck slot.
I came back to elements since I remembered it being an interesting game with a lot of "classes" in a sense, and as someone who likes being challenged by building decks, trying to do so in a new environment with an all new set of cards sounded like a lot of fun :p
I've had pretty good success in the past with competing in small tournaments for both hearthstone and yugioh and I love trying to make unique or almost cliché ideas work. A lot of my deck ideas start off with me being inspired by a unique card that most people overlook, or by a unique interaction between a small set of cards that I then expand to build a deck around for fun. I also generally focus heavily on control decks and there's nothing more fun to me than being able to win a game by dealing with every card the opponent played until they deck out :3 (You can call it stall, I call it fatigue) and it's a fun feeling to me to win those tough "think twenty turns ahead" match ups between two slow decks.
Meant to share a little about myself unrelated to card games too. I'm a university student double majoring in both Computer Science and Mathematics, may or may not be related to my enjoyment of theorycrafting ^^',
Outside of card games, I play a lot of league of legends, and a wide range of other videogames on and off.
Thanks for reading o/