Thanks to both of you for the help.
Timetock, I have looked at the 1.4 update, and even played a couple of hours of the beta fights. It is unclear to me how the mid-stages of the game are going to be done, but the noob areas look fine. I know there will be a wider range of opponents to eliminate the huge jump from Ai3 to HBs, but I dont know if it will be more rewarding than simply farming Ai3s now.
Tribal, I have a couple of versions of 30-card rainbows I can import and have played (hence my choice of cards I have upgraded, 2 hourglasses and 2 SNs), but was actually using Immobow most of the time last night. I switch decks daily after the FG/oracle clear-out, which won me an upped Feral Bond this morning, and tend to try out nearly anything I have cards for. I had posted that deck earlier in the thread as the deck I had made for my first foray into bronze, and it did well, but as you said the CC is too high and it is very vulnerable to a little permanent control. I dont have enough threats OR defense in it, which is a really bad combo for a control deck. That being said, when I do establish control (usually through pulverizer and lobotomizer being out at the same time) and get a Druid out, it is a ton of fun to play.
I am trying to save for another upped card for the limitless speed OTK deck, but the going is very, very slow. This morning I made a decision to build my own Ferox killer instead of buying the cards for one of the standard forum versions, just to save a bit. It worked well, thanks to the forum and the great information it provided. I will try and do this when I can to save a little more, rather than buying my way to a full card set at the expense of my OTK upgrades.
Here is what I ran against Ferox, would be interested to see how you guys would tweak it so I can get a little better handle on how to do this everyday to save a bit more using the 3 fights a day method:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4vd 55r 55r 58v 5ii 5ii 5oi 5ro 61t 61t 61t 61t 61t 61t 7q5 7q5 8pu
I ended the game with 40 life (near where I was at when i played my first shield. By the time my shields ran out, I had killed everything but a couple of Rays with the Otyughs, and had a Steam Golem up to 40ish power. Never needed the Eternity, but it was close, as I had hourglasses a few times and didnt get the pulverizer going until pretty late. He still had a Feral Bond at the end of the game. I might add a steal or two in place of the pulverizer next time, as the Otyughs were just too nice to give up.
Thanks in advance