i have been playin for some time a few month ago but losted interest
but 2 weeks ago i came back and farmed a bit , then i discovered the forum and all the comunity , i am now playing in BL and PvP3 , and i'll join some tournament to try
all the pvp event really look realy awesome and i am looking forward for the next war , hopping to be bet one as a slave or somthing like that
i realy stick to aether , my first FG farm deck and still the one i use the most , i have been trying some other one but can't hit the same win per hour.
i also have a lot of fun withe some mindgate deck in pvp2 , love to steal the oponent deck while he can't touche me
now i am trying to build some efficient unupped pvp deck to try BL and continu farming the rare i dont have in T50 and upped card with FG
want to make myself a name in Bl and tournament so i may be bet one in war some day !