This is the
Honey Charger.Watch it run in slow motion. The Honey Charger is pretty badass. It runs all over the place. Oh look, it runs backwards?
Now watch this, look, there’s a Diss Shield. Honey Charger don’t care. Honey Charger don’t give a shit. It just takes what it wants.
The Honey Charger is really badass. It has no regard for any shield whatsoever. Ew what’s that? It’s a Fire Shield? Oh that’s nasty.
Now look, there’s a Duck Shield. You think the Honey Badger cares? It doesn’t give a shit. It just goes straight for the enemy’s HP.
But look! There’s a Permafrost Shield. But it doesn’t care about the shield. Nothing can stop the Honey Charger.
The Honey Charger.
-- credit to nilsieboy for the original shitpost --