Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game
Elements the Game => Newbie Area => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: KimQ on February 11, 2011, 01:00:57 am
Hi Folks,
I used to play this game when it was really new. That was before there was real PvP, upgraded cards, Half-Blood or False God decks. The amount of development and complexity in the game impressive now, and it looks like the community is even more active. I liked the game then but I think it is way better now.
I had a top ten account back then, but I forget the password. Actually I'm not even sure i remember the account name. I think it was probably kimacqua since that is my name on Kogregate where I first found the game.
Last time I played was shortly before Novas were nerfed from 2 quata per element to 1. It was not uncommon to get 3 or 4 rounds with novas then.
Now I am building up my deck again. Finally got 6 SoG's.
Anyway see you around...
Wow. that must have been a very long time ago. Anywho, welcome back. :D
Talk about an old player o-o
Welcome to the Forums.
I hope you catch up on all the new changes!
Welcome back to the forums and congrats on getting 6 SoGs!
Enjoy your elements!
hi thanks, yeah I am just catching up on all the changes.
Version 1.27 shows a lot of promise.
I love mitosis and time reversed skellies.
I'm sorry to hear that you lost your account.
Just out of curiosity, while you were gone, were you playing some other game? I'm always looking for a fun game to play :)
Hi, yeah I play quite a few games, mostly on Kongregate. (I hope this doesn't look like a advertisement, just my opinion). I'd say there are a lot of good free games on that site in general. I mostly like the strategy and RPG games. I don't think the gaming community is as easily accessible as for Elememts though. I got really into a empire building game for a while. One of those pay for extra bonuses games. I am not mentioning the name because it was eventually taken down for copyright infringement, and I have mixed feelings about the whole thing. I did enjoy the game mostly but the developers/management of it was very frustrating sometimes.