The IE was a virgin before I used it to test if it works with elements, never fired it up even once since I installed the OS (vista64) roughly three years ago. So 0 addons there, and security to total pants down mode.
On Firefox I use the standard popup blockers and add-removal thingies, but I disabled them for elements, which immidiatly made me wonder if the target audience for elemets is "housewives", judging by the amount of cleaner commercials. It does establish a connection to the mochiads database, but I get denied there. On that connection test page my avg ping is between 750 and 1k though, maybe some timeout issue.
It does not really matter though, I have now played roughly 1k games and I am in the process of upgrading cards to battle FGs. Maybe it's even good that I cannot access the farm decks, makes everything a little bit harder ^_^