I made 11 alts, 9 of which are in silver and 2 in bronze. All of them are named Vindi_NL.
On my main account, which is a year old, I got 6 hoy cows through pvp from another player.
I made some accounts to fill silver because of the mass NaN issue. I thought it would be fun if some people can still win some special cards.
All of the alts have shard of divinity in them to keep them alive and usually a nymph or a cow.
The cows I could farm from my main account. Want me to remove the cows from my alts decks?
Nice to hear from you in person! Personally, I like the idea of farming Holy Cows, it's the only thing right now that keeps me going in PvE. Just keep adding them as soon as your decks drop to 1 HP.

So far I have found the card in your main account as well as your alts #6, #7 and #10. Still, I am a bit disappointed that you can just farm it through PvP...
Edit: OK, not your main account but your first alt. Also, word is your alt #4 has a Cow.