I did start a new account last night. I'm frankly amazed that I was able to stomach grind of this magnitude. The coin rewards are far too small and losing coins on a loss just makes the grind more absurdly annoying.
To answer the question, though, I had several upgraded weapons and a few nymphs and a fairly wide collection of cards.
Sad that there's no account recovery tool. Especially if the only person that recovers accounts can't be arsed to check his email. 
Yes, this game is very grindy, it almost put me off too, but i brute-force through it. Now it's much faster to just grind Bronze (or even Silver, you'll know why those two if you play them enough times) instead of AI3.
I'm sorry for your lost Nymphs. Hopefully you can get a better collection this time.
Come into chat if you need anything else, we're helpful.