Playing the game for a while, I just found the forum recently, and have been looking around. The statistics tool seemed like something that would be very useful, so I tried to use it, only to have it yell at me that my UN (Doomsdaybringer; 15 characters) is too long for the login (14 char max). However, the game treats my UN fine, so I figured maybe I just needed to register to the forums, which would force me to shorten my name, and link my accounts. Hence, I registered with a short UN (5 chars :p), but it seems like that was pretty meaningless (well, not really; the forums seem pretty awesome, with the community actually putting value into what players think. As soon as I figure out the card idea submission forum, I'll attempt to baffle everyone with my epic card ideas =3). Any ideas on how I can get this resource to work for me? Or, am I pretty much out of luck?