When you made a new account on the game, you made a second account. When you linked them to your kong account, you made it so your kong account defaulted to your new (second) account rather than your old (first) account - linking accounts only changes what elements account you can automatically log in to through kong. Your first account still exists (since it was also already an elements account just like the new one you made), you just have to figure out the login/password. The login is most likely the same as your kong login (IIRC it'd be this unless it was already taken, in which case it would have told you to pick a new name). Password might be the same as your kong password or might not be. If you can figure out the login/password for your first account, you'll be able to use either, and (if you wanted) you could re-link your first account back with your kong account for easier login.
Good luck.