But why not just have a popup warning when someone clicks link account (regardless of whether they already have an account or not)
Just a popup to everyone saying something like
Warning: If you currently have an account at Kongregate this will erase your progress, Would you like to continue?
It's clear, gives people a chance to back out if they didn't know (I always read manuals and instructions before playing games, but I almost never check forums / chatrooms unless I like the game or there's a problem not mentioned)
And it doesn't require people to have logged in since it's shown to everyone...
Generally it's good programming sense to confirm if something is possibly destructive. There was no confirmation at all. (one that pops up)
Generally confirmations should be at the very last step of the process as well, just incase people want to see the process without destorying anything... They might think there's one more step then.. whoops..
Bonus points if the warning is on the page before the they click the kill button, but people might not notice, which is why there is usually a popup.
Actually that brings up another good point, it was rather abrupt, I entered a username and password for elements. and then the next screen was the screen which I saw when I first started the game...
edit:but again The username for my account on kongregate is different from the name I used when linking the account... When I log on kongregate it shows this name and not the old one... so I was wondering if it's possible that the old data is still stored somewhere and can be restored...
and there doens't seem to be a way to restart the game with a non-linked account again...