I am posting here to see if anyone can help me, an unsavvy computer person, be able to pvp, without desynching. I have played multiple games now with ctrl / shift / I. There were multiple problem messages that I received for: readrpvp2.php?id=...
When I played on Kong compared to someone playing here, the messages initially said block. When I played here, they said fail. When we both played on Kong, it said fail. (Of course, those first blocks were before I cleaned my DNS; I haven't recreated it.)
My first two duels were in a tourney against Doctor C, where I played on Kong. We did not desynch. Since then, ALL other duels have desynched, some fast, some slower. I have no idea why I could duel him and not desynch, while I can't accomplish that dueling others. Of course, I haven't dueled a wide variety of people, but it shouldn't matter too much.
I was told that hopefully cleaning my DNS might help. It didn't.
The only other suggestion that I have received is to try uploading and playing on Firefox. That won't be easy for me to do. It takes me quite a bit of work just to make a home page workable, with me not knowing what I'm doing.
Does anyone have any idea what might help so that I have a reasonable chance of not desynching?