Hello everyone.
We don't have a proper list for terms anywhere on the forums, while it can be very usefull.
Having a proper name for mechanics and ideas will make it quick and easy to describe a card.
Additionally, different people might give different names for the same idea, or worse, the same name for different ideas.
An example is the use of terms 'mono', 'duo', 'trio', etc for decks.
While not everyone uses them correct automatically, once they learn about it, it becomes clear.
Below this I will put terms with their effect. In the second post I will put effects and ideas that need a term.
Please discuss terms for those effects. Also, please post effects and ideas that need a name.
Spoiler for active / active ability:
An ability that can be lobotomized or replaced with another ability.
A creature can only have one active ability at a time.
When on the field, the name of the ability is beneath the creature.
- Shrödinger's Cat's "dead and alive".
- Vulture's "scavanger".
- A creature that has "light" after using Luciferine.
Spoiler for passive / passive ability:
A creature can have multiple passives. Their effect is automatic.
When hovering over a creature, the passives it has show in the pop-up box in the right-bottom corner: