Mind Mark![](http://imageplay.net/img/m7Gbd188245/eye.png)
by Flayne
Mind CardsDesignedMental Pillar | Mental Tower
Each turn
is generated.
(upped:Gain 1 extra
when you play this card.)
Mind Pendulum | Mind Pendulum
Alternatively generate
and 1 quanta matching your mark.
(upped:Gain 1 extra
when you play this card.)
Mind Mark | Mind Mark
Each turn
is generated.
(upped:Gain 1 extra
when you play this card.)
To be balancedConfusion Guard (permanent:shield)
Shield: The attacking creatures have a 30% chance to attack the opponent instead.
Dream Edge (permanent:weapon)
Weapon: Deal 6 damage at the end of every turn
Creates a random Mind Card in you hand each turn
(upped:Creates a random upgraded Mind Card in you hand each turn)
Morale (permanent)
All your creatures gain +1|+1.
(upped:All your creatures gain +2|+2.)
Biofeedback | Biofeedback (permanent)
Every time you play a spell, you gain 5 hp.
Joy (spell)
Heal 5 HP per card in your hand.
Forget (spell)
Discard a card, and gain double its cost in
Psychometabolism | Psychometabolism (spell)
Target creature gains +1|+0 for every card in your hand.
Dementia (alchemy)
Target creature or permanent (excluding pillars) has a 30% chance to delay itself for 3 turns whenever it attacks or uses a skill.
Psi Nymph|Mind Nymph (creature:nymph)
Casting Cost: 9
Atk: 2|3
HP: 2|7
: Dementia
Psi Dragon|Mind Dragon (creature:dragon)
Atk: 9|12
HP: 6|6
Mind Hunter (creature)
Atk: 2|2
HP: 3|3
: Hypnosis: Use target creature's activated ability.
Spectre of Imagination (creature)
Atk: 7|7
HP: 1|1
Meme | Meme (creature)
Atk: 2|3
HP: 4|5
Psionist (creature)
Atk: 3|5
HP: 2|2
This creature deals spell damage instead of physical damage. It is reflected but not blocked.
Now we should start finalizing balanced stats/costs for the cards and creating/finding art.
How do you want to do this stage? One card at a time? All at once? ??
PS about the tie breaker vote: There was a tie before the 8th voter cast their vote in the main poll. (we do not always get 8 voters so i put up a conditional tiebreaker poll that was not needed.)