Gnawrt | Gnawrt
Very situational. Only has an impact against Gravity Pull. Even Airborne is more versatile. No obvious reason for it to be Perpetual rather than Innate like Vampire.
Emerging Beast | Emerging Beast
Not situational. Scales nicely see update in the thread 1,4,7,10. No obvious reason for it to be Perpetual rather than Innate.
Body Guard|Body Guard
Not situational. No obvious reason for it to be Perpetual rather than Innate.
Fire Guard | Flame Guard
Not situational. Nice synergy with Attack Buffs. No obvious reason for it to be Perpetual rather than Innate.
Faded One | Evanescent
Not situational. No obvious reason for it to be Perpetual rather than Innate.
Shadow | Greater Shadow
Not situational. Mandatory
. No obvious reason for it to be Perpetual rather than Innate.
Shadower | Elite Shadower
Not situational. Strange detrimental perpetual. There are good reasons it is perpetual and not innate.
Semi situational but not too much (infection, freeze, delay, adrenaline, momentum, immateriality). Self balancing.
Cinderling | Cinderling
Not situational. Repetitive with Devouerer.