Why not go with turning something into a chunk of sodium so that it explodes if targeted by water or if in a flooded slot?
I could have just put Sodium Hydride (NaH)
But there are 3 problems with Sodium in this case:
1:NaH is a compound that is for the most part
man-made, most likely not suitable in Elements.
2:My card is based on

Water splitting through thermolysis (

) which strictly involves Hydrogen and Oxygen as the main atomic components as well as extreme heat temperature that is the core concept of the card (

) sodium would not be present
3:It would be odd (though humorous

) to call the resulting creature "Sodium" which can actually attack if you don't use anything on it, as it retains its stats.
Hydrogenase was the closest natural concept I could get to with regards to water splitting, though if a lot are present, it can be catalyzed and be explosive. (Irl scientists are trying to synthesize the hydrogen produced by the enzyme even in the presence of air to maybe use on a bigger commercial scale) (if they haven't already been successful)
Frostfire Inversion: Yea that unupped is way better as it can be applied with any spell of the
