You're a veteran if you have received at least 1 of every nymph from the Oracle.
You're a veteran if you remember grinding Top50 for that one extra Shard of Gratitude.
You're a veteran if: You Haz Teh Trophez
You're a veteran if: You Haz Teh Elementz Cake
You're a veteran if you remember what the original 3 shards were.
You're a veteran if, you remember getting beaten to the punch for submitting the first Vamp-saders idea to the Deck Ideas board
You're a veteran if, you have at least 1 card idea in the Armory (*small tear* ... still not a veteran yet ... *sniff*)
You're a veteran if, there is at least 1 card in the Armory that bears artwork you made (*grin*)
You might be a veteran if you still remember when vampires looked like insects.
You might be a veteran if you remember what the meta-game was like before poison-dials