Stall: If you're so afraid to face me, go to your mommy instead of hiding behind your "wooden" shields and your pitiful healing!
Quanta Denial: Being afraid of letting me playing ANY kind of card makes you just pathetic! Once again, if you're scared go to your mommy.
Monos: Learn how to play more than a single element and then maybe, just maybe, you're ready to face me... noob!
Duos: Just putting two elements together at random won't make a difference; you're still a loser.
Trios: What a failure! Every sane ETG player knows that trios never work!
Quartets: Same with Trios...
Rainbow: Just putting together a few cards of each element and relying on RNG to draw the right ones is not going to work, noob! RNG licker!
Pillarless: The fail! You don't even know what Pillars and Pendulums do!
Shard Golem: Oh, what a super ETG player! Just randomly put a few Shards together and just randomy summon a Shard Golem. Learn how to play instead of licking RNG, noob!