I haven't read all these posts, however here are my ideas (hoped they haven't been posted before):
You're addicted to Elements when...
* you're a modern physicist but still believe in Aether's existence.
* you play Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 and shout at the DM when a Cockatrice petrifies you, since it is a vanilla creature.
* you play D&D 3.5 and wondering why the Otyugh you're fighting against hasn't already devoured your whole party.
* you travel around the word in order to find oracles and when you find them you beg them to give you a Nymph.
* if someone ask you about your zodiac, you answer I'm

instead of Scorpio.
* you're afraid of rainbows, frogs, squids, fireflies, scarabs etc.
* if your grandfather who lives in an argicultural society asks for help with the farming, you pick your Instosis deck and go to help him.
* you worship Anubis and FGs instead of a monotheistic religion.
* you search your local pet shop for a Schrodinger Cat.
* you wonder how you're still alive with billions of Photons hitting your eyes continuously.