When your teacher asks you to convert from degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit, you instead gives the damage Fahrenheit deals with that number of Fire quanta.
I totally imagine myself in that situation
...when, in Physics class:
Teacher: "What is a quantum?"
You: "It's like Mana, but in Elements."
Teacher: "What? What's a photon?"
You: "Light creature. 1|1. Upgrades into RoL. Free cost."
Teacher: "... You have no idea what you're talking about."
You: "You can cremate them."
YKYATE when...
...you have more screenshots of Elements matches in your hard drive than photos of your family
...your toasts are done and you think it's an electrum reward
...you assume EVERY game gives you a reward for winning with 100hp
...you get deck ideas at the most awkward places, in the car, at the dentist, at school/college
...you look back at your old MTG deck and every card seems too OP
...you play MTG after a long hiatus and think mana stacks turn after turn
...you laugh at this