When you love to learn entropy from this game, compared to physics class.
You try to post till you got 200 posts just so you can change your avvy to custom one.
You try to compete posting with a certain person (that's you Math) but still posts high quality content.
When you refresh the forum page every an hour to check whether you can post.
When you have no life due to giving them all for your Frogtal deck.
Challenge accepted.
... When you got sick for playing elements till 2am every day (I did... *coughs*)
... When you try to rewind your mum to gather some cool scarabs
... When you don't dare to discard your past memories, especially when you're sick like me now
... When you wish to die beside a boneyard so that you'll turn into a skeleton instead of leaving the world eternally
... When you decorate your water bottle like a quintessence
... When you treasure shards over real-life jewels
... When you think farmers are veterans of PC since they are skilled with pulverisers
... When you don't think that explosions can cost your life, but only your properties
... When you think that medieval crusades lost since they don't have vampire daggers
... When you search the leaves on your plant in the balcony for that one rustler
... When you drink yellow liquid (like C.C.Lemon) to get some

to do your essay
... When you try to compete with others in this thread