Yo mamma so old, she uses reverse time on HERSELF!
Yo mama so old, if someone plays rewind on her she turns into a Mummy.
Yo mamma so skinny, otyugh ate her and starved to death.
Yo mamma so fat and ugly, armagio took one look at her and said GOOD LORD THATS A LOT OF UGLY!
Yo mamma so fat she don't need no other gravity pull.
Yo mamma so crazy I had to lobotomize her 9 times!
Yo mamma so old she start her games with 76 time quanta.
Yo mamma so fat she created flooding when she jumped into the pool... "CANNON BALL"!
Yo mamma so nasty, her breathe is an aflatoxin.
Yo mamma so nasty and ugly, even the gargoyle won't go out with her.
Yo mamma so fat she makes massive dragons look anorexic.
Yo mamma so fat and nasty, Octane asked her to fart into a jar when he ran out of unstable gas!